The James Hearst Digital Archive

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Displaying 1 - 283 of 283
# of poems
after Ward Bib. 2
All the Silver Pennies. Ed. Blanche Jennings Thompson. New York: MacMillan (1967) 128. 1
The Alumnus 1
Amanuensis 1
America 19
America 27 (Nov. 1965) 671. 1
America Is West Ed. John T. Flanagan. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota (1945) 309. 1
American Friend 1
American Prefaces 9
American Prefaces 5 (June 1940) 169. 1
American Prefaces 6 (Autumn 1940) 42. 1
American Press 1
The American Scholar 1
Anglo-American Studies 6
Annals of Iowa 42 (Spring 1974) 294, Late Harvest 76. 1
Antigonish Review 1
Apple 1
Aspen Times 5
The Back Door 2
Back Door 0
Barnwood 1
Best Articles and Stories 1
Bitterroot 1
Black and White 3
Bonesetter's Brawl 0
"Book Review," Wallace's Farmer (28 Oct. 1967) 3, North American Review (1974) 34, Out of this World: Poems from the Hawkeye State. (1975) 5. 1
Bookman 1
Boston Monthly 1
Canadian Forum 2
The Canadian Forum 0
Canadian Poetry Magazine 1
Cardinal Poetry Quarterly 1
Catalyst 1
Catholic Rural life 1
Cedar Arts Forum 1
Cedar Falls (Iowa) Record 26 June (1937) 37, Midland Schools 77 (Mar. 1963) 13. 1
Chariton Review 2
Chicago Jewish Forum 1
Chicago Tribune Magazine 4
Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine 0
Chowder Review 3
Christian Science Monitor 2
Cloud Marauder 1
College Eye, Iowa State Teachers College 12 July (1935) 2 col. 3, Contemporary Iowa Poets Muscatine: The Prairie Press (1935) 27, Late Harvest 73. 1
College Eye, Iowa State Teachers College 12 July (1935) 2, Contemporary Iowa Poets Muscatine: The Prairie Press (1935) 2, Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 79, Late Harvest 71. 1
Colorado Quarterly 10
Common Sense 1
Commonweal 6
Compass Review 1
The Complete Poetry of James Hearst 17
The Complete Poetry of James Hearst 0
The Congregationalist 1
Contact 2
Contemporary Verse 1
Cottonwood Review 2
A Country Man 36
Country Men 15
Crazy Horse 1
The Davidson Miscellany 3
Denver Post 1
The Denver Post Roundup 1
The Denver Quarterly 1
DePaul Literary Magazine 1
Des Moines Register 1
Des Moines Register (May 1931) Sec. 10: 5, American Prefaces. (1937) 164, Hinterland (1937) 26, Out of the Midwest. (1944) 301, Rural Lutheran (March 1950), North American Review (1974) 23. 1
Des Moines Sunday Register 13 Jan (1929) 8g, Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Poets New York: Avon House (1938), North American Review (1974) 26. 1
Discourse 0
Discourse: A Review of Liberal Arts 5
Dry Leaves 10
Educational Leadership 3
Eidolons 1
The English Journal 0
English Journal 7
Epoch 1
Erebus Rising 1
Etc. A Review of General Semantics 1
Event 0
Event: Journal of Contemporary Art 3
Eventorium Muse 1
Fiction: The Magazine for Storytelling 1
Focus 4
Furioso 1
The Ghent Quarterly 1
Good Housekeeping 1
Grain 1
Great Lakes Review 10
Great Lakes Review 4 (Summer 1977) 61. 1
Green Magazine 1
Harper's 0
Harper's Bazaar 3
Harper's Bazaar (December 1968) 180. 1
Harper's Bazaar (Jan. 1969) 96. 1
Hawk and Whippoorwill 5
Hawk and Whipporwill 0
Heacock's 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 77. 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 79, Interpreting Literature. 4th ed. K.L. Knickerbocker and H.W. Reninger, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969. 289, Interpreting Literature. 5th ed. 1974. 19, North American Review (1974) 19, The Iowan (Spring 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 79, The Iowan (Spring 1979) 21. 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 80. 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 81. 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest. 77, Interpreting Literature. 4th ed. K.L. Knickerbocker and H.W. Reninger, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969. 364, The Iowan (Spring 1979) 17. 1
Heartland: Poets of the Midwest. 78. 1
Hika 1
Hinterland 1
The Humanist 1
Independent 3
Inserat Groteski 1
The Instructor 0
Instructor 2
Interpreting Literature. 4th ed. K.L. Knickerbocker and H.W. Reninger, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969. 364, North American Review (1974) 21. 1
Iowa Arts Council Newsletter 1
Iowa English Yearbook 2
Iowa State Arts Council Biennium Report, 1968-1970, 3. 1
Iowa State Liquor Store 3
The Iowan (Spring 1979) 15, Christmas in Iowa. Ed. Clarence Andrews. Iowa City: Midwest Heritage Publishing Co. (1979) 66. 1
The Iowan (Spring 1979) 16. 1
The Iowan (Spring 1979) 18. 1
The Iowan (Spring 1979) 19. 1
The Iowan (Spring 1979) 22, Ohio Review 30 (1983) 252. 1
Journal of Arts and Letters 1
Jump River Review 1
Kansas City Magazine 6
Kansas City Star 1
Kansas Quarterly 9
Kernels 1
KFPA Folio 0
KPFA Folio 2
Ladies Home Journal 7
Ladies' Home Journal 0
Lake Superior Review 1
Lamp in the Spine 1
Landmark and Other Poems 0
Late Harvest 74. 1
Late Harvest 75. 1
Limited View 10
Literary Digest 12 Nov. (1927) 34, Des Moines Sunday Register 13 Jan. (1929) 8g, College Eye Iowa State Teachers College 12 July (1935) 2. 1
The MacDonald Farm Journal 20.3 (March 1959) 19, Wallace's Farmer (16 March 1963) 50. 1
Maine Life 1
Mainstreeter 2
The Mainstreeter 0
Man and His Field 26
Meanjin Quarterly 1
Michigan Quarterly 1
Mid-Country. Ed. Lowry C. Wimberly. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (1945) 467. 1
Midland 13
Midwest Quarterly 5
The Midwest Quarterly 0
Miscellany 2
Modern Maturity 1
Monthly magazine for the Arts of Storytelling 1
Motive 2
Music for Seven Poems 7
My Shadow Below Me 0
National Retired Teachers Assoc. Journal 0
National Retired Teachers Association Journal 2
Nebraska Review 3
New England Review 1
New Frontiers 3
New Jersey Poetry Journal 1
New Letters 1
New Mexico Quarterly 1
The New Renaissance 4
The New Renaissance 3 (1979) 45. 1
New River Review 2
New River Review 2 (1977) 60. 1
New York Herald Tribune 4
New York Times 4
Nimrod 1
North American Review 6
The North American Review 0
North American Review 299.2 (Spring 2014) 26. 1
North American Review 299.2 (Spring 2014) 27. 1
North American Review 299.2 (Spring 2014) 28. 1
North American Review (1974) 20. 1
North American Review (1974) 23. 2
North American Review (1974) 24. 1
North American Review (1974) 25. 1
North American Review (1974) 28. 1
North American Review (1974) 28. Out of This World: Poems from the Hawkeye State. (1975) 30. 1
North American Review (1974) 29. 2
North American Review (1974) 31, The Iowan (Spring 1979) 20. 1
North American Review (1974) 31. 2
North American Review (1974) 32. 1
North American Review (1974) 33. 1
North American Review (1974) 35. 2
North American Review (1974) 36. 1
North American Review (1974) 37. 1
North American Review (1974) 38. 1
North Country 2
North East 0
Northeast 3
Northwest Review 1
NRTA Journal 1
Ohio Review 1
Onward 1
Outdoor America 1
Pebble, A Magazine of Poetry 0
Pebble: A Magazine of Poetry 2
Pendragon 1
Penny Poems From Midwestern University 1
Periodical of Art in Nebraska 4
Periphery 1
Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst 23
Poem 3
Poet and Critic 5
Poet Lore 4
Poet Lore 71 (Winter 1976-77) 128. 1
Poetry 21
Poetry 92 (Aug. 1958) 299. 1
Poetry Now 24
Poetry Scope 1
Poetry View 3
Poetry View Magazine 0
Prairie Schooner 6
Prairie Schooner 44 (Spring 1979) 42. 1
Proved by Trial 3
Purple Pen 1
Quartet 3
Rendezvous 1
Reporter 1
The Republican Journal (3 April 2014) <>. 1
Rural Roads to Security. (1940) 94-5, Out of the Midwest. (1944) 400, America is West. Ed. John T. Flanagan. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota (1945) 307, Poetry Pilot (Jan. 1962) 9. 1
Sandlapper 1
Saturday Evening Post 0
The Saturday Evening Post 3
Scatter the Petals (1969). 3
Scatter the Petals. (1969) 1
see "The Face of Things" 1
Selected Poems 0
Seven 1
Shaken by Leaf-Fall 11
A Single Focus 19
Skylark 2
Slackwater Review 1
Slow Loris Reader 2
The Small Farm 2
The Smith 1
Snake in the Strawberries 14
Snake in the Strawberries 30. 1
Snake in the Strawberries 33. 1
South Dakota Review 8
Southwest Review 3
Sou'wester Literary Quarterly 2
Sparrow Magazine 6
Spectrum, the Richmond Tri-Annual Review 1
Stone Country 2
The Sun at Noon 16
Sunday Clothes 3
Sunday Oregonian 1
"Tales of the Prairies" The Rotarian (Apr. 1963) 70, Heartland: Poets of the Midwest. 76, North American Review (1974), 27. 1
Texas Review 1
Things as They Are 0
Time Like a Furrow: Essays 1
Tinderbox 1
Today 3
Trace 1
University of Kansas Review 11 (Autumn 1944) 45, Midwest 7 (Spring 1964) vi, Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 77, Interpreting Literature. 4th Ed. K. L. Knickerbocker and H. W. Reninger, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 268, Interpreting Li 1
University Review 1
University of Windsor Review 1
View Magazine 3
Virginia Quarterly Review 0
Virginia Quarterly Review 7
Voices 0
Voyages to Inland Sea, II 46. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea II 41. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea II 44. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea, II 5
Voyages to the Inland Sea, II 40. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea, II 42. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea, II 45. 1
Voyages to the Inland Sea, II: Essays and Poems 1
Wallace's Farmer 4
Wanderer 1
Wascana Review 6
West Branch 1
Westerly Review 2
The Westerly Review 0
The Windless Orchard 1
Windless Orchard II 1
Wisconsin Review 2
Wormwood Review 12
The Wormwood Review 1
Yankee Magazine 9