
Title First Line Theme(s) Original Citation
Frost "Though nothing came that could be heard" fall, death

Poetry 36 (Summer 1930) 320.

Clover Swaths "My eyes are cloudy with death." youth, death

Poetry 40 (Aug. 1932) 249.

Fall Plowing "The claim the stubble had no longer defends" fall, death

Poetry 43 (Jan. 1934) 189.

Barns In November "Along an empty road I watched the barns" winter, harvest

Poetry 47 (Nov. 1935) 67.

Inquiry "Now catch your breath and hear the softly rounded" promise, resurrection

Poetry 47 (November 1935) 69.

The Grail "The snow falls like flakes of light-" faith, religion

Poetry 47 (Nov. 1935) 68.

After the Son Died "The trees follow two sides of a square" death, impermanence

Poetry 56 (Aug 1940) 262.

False Warning "The meadow has lost its features and the grove" wilderness, winter

Poetry (56 Aug. 1940) 261.

Morning Song "I often think of night as a wave lifting me into the morning" morning, love

Poetry 56 (Aug. 1940) 260.

The Same in This As Other Lands "He bows his head against the wind" farming, work

Poetry 56 (Aug 1940) 263.