Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
The Reason For Stars | "I never wonder a lot about stars" | diligence farming |
Plowman | "This is plowing time and I am plowing" | farming planting |
Reflection | "I think I shall decide to stay" | farming nature |
Country Men | "The pussy willows show again" | farming spring |
Seeding | "The morning sun looks in on me" | farming planting |
Invocation | "Come, you farmers, let us sing together" | farming religion |
The Young Old-Timer | "His hands seek each other under his overall bib" | farming resentment |
Silver Maples | "Rain fingers stroke our grey bodies" | farming nature |
The Same in This As Other Lands | "He bows his head against the wind" | farming work |
The Search | "Here on the hillside is a square of ground" | farming neighbors |