Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
The Barn | "It was like a house but larger and not so tame," | farming imagination |
The Reminder | "When the day finally ended I felt wet and cold" | love farming |
The Unprotected | "The sun at noon" | farming responsibility |
Vigilance | "Rocks grow expensive" | farming nature |
Advice to Farmers | "You trimmed the wilderness to size" | farming nature |
My Father's Care | "The binder glittered in the sun," | farming aging |
Owner | "The morning sun surveys the time for me," | farming ownership |
The Waster | "The stalks still stand erect and the tassels wave," | animals farming |
Truth | "How the devil do I know" | knowledge farming |
Limited View | "The clutter and ruck of the stubble publish the time" | farming work |