Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
The Burden | "Apple bloom spread on the orchard floor," | blossoming nature |
Reflection | "I think I shall decide to stay" | farming nature |
When a Neighbor Dies | "Safe from loneliness, safe from storm," | death nature |
After the People Go | "No one lives here any more, they all have moved away" | drought nature |
Mad Dog | "Like a great yellow dog, the sun" | drought nature |
Sparrows in Spring | "The water falls drip.. drip.. drap" | planting nature |
Silver Maples | "Rain fingers stroke our grey bodies" | farming nature |
Meeting a Pheasant Hunter in Our Grove | "The bush’s shape has been bent by the wind" | wind nature |
The Vine | "His wife and young son in his heart, the future riding his shoulders" | farming nature |
Emerson's Page | "His Neighbors scratched" | nature wisdom |