Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
Between Snow and Stars | "The sun trips and falls headlong down the sky" | animals farming |
Choosing | "The stolid farmer took his hoe" | farming choice |
The Vine | "His wife and young son in his heart, the future riding his shoulders" | farming nature |
Burn the Cocoons | "The sun waits in the sky for me" | farming planting |
Late Spring | "I tried to sow the oats and grass this year" | farming drought |
The Debtor | "These leaden days when the sky is overcast" | farming debt |
What Was That? | "Never was so much hubbub in the morning," | work farming |
Success | "When I come home from work at close of day" | farming animals |
The Happy Farmer | "This farm where I live" | farming poverty |
The Questioner | "When evening bows its head so does the farmer," | farming significance |