The Reason For Stars

I never wonder a lot about stars.
I’m much too busy with things of this earth
That show when a season of labor is done
Just what the labor’s been worth.

Stars are all right to admire like flowers,
I like to see pretty things when I’m done
Working in fields, but what do I care
Whether a star is a stone?

There’s plenty to learn in the ways of a seed.
What do you get if you study the sky?
I’m greater for holding one fruit in my hand
Than a heaven of stars in my eye.

    Original Citation

    Midland (Dec. 1926) 354.

    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Complete Poems
    North American Review (1974) 38.
    First Line
    I never wonder a lot about stars
    Poetic Form
    Twitter Quote
    There’s plenty to learn in the ways of a seed.