Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
First Snow | "The road and yard are full of dust" | change, reflection | Midland (Aug. 1926) 239. |
In April | "This I saw on an April day:" | spring, renewal | Midland (August 1926) 238. |
The Burden | "Apple bloom spread on the orchard floor," | blossoming, nature | Midland (Aug 1926) 238. |
The Contract | "You may have my garden if you will give to me" | gardening, apples | Midland (Aug. 1926) 239. |
The Experiment | "You came and found me when the stars were blowing" | fire | Midland (Aug. 1926) 237. |
The Reason For Stars | "I never wonder a lot about stars" | diligence, farming | Midland (Dec. 1926) 354. |
Belief | "My neighbor and I have stood in the sun" | friendship, life | Midland 13 (October 1927) 265. |
Plowman | "This is plowing time and I am plowing" | farming, planting | Midland (Aug. 1927) 228. |
Theology | "When we were boys a man my father hired" | religion, fear | Midland (June 1927) 183. |
Country Men | "The pussy willows show again" | farming, spring | Midland (May 1931) 1. |