
Title First Line Theme(s) Original Citation
First Snow "The road and yard are full of dust" change, reflection

Midland (Aug. 1926) 239.

In April "This I saw on an April day:" spring, renewal

Midland (August 1926) 238.

The Burden "Apple bloom spread on the orchard floor," blossoming, nature

Midland (Aug 1926) 238.

The Contract "You may have my garden if you will give to me" gardening, apples

Midland (Aug. 1926) 239.

The Experiment "You came and found me when the stars were blowing" fire

Midland (Aug. 1926) 237.

The Reason For Stars "I never wonder a lot about stars" diligence, farming

Midland (Dec. 1926) 354.

Belief "My neighbor and I have stood in the sun" friendship, life

Midland 13 (October 1927) 265.

Plowman "This is plowing time and I am plowing" farming, planting

Midland (Aug. 1927) 228.

Theology "When we were boys a man my father hired" religion, fear

Midland (June 1927) 183.

Country Men "The pussy willows show again" farming, spring

Midland (May 1931) 1.