Anglo-American Studies
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
A Believer | "A dirty carpet of March snow" | birth, animals | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (1983) 252. |
Cleaning Lady | "Her coat is vague as fog but she herself" | work, virtue | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (1983) 250. |
Fallen Sign | "There comes a time when" | farming, aging | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (1983) 251-2. |
Man with a Shovel | "The man with a shovel on his shoulder" | observation, work | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (November 1983) 253. |
So Much Change | "Remember how the book would not" | love, loss | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (1983) 250-1. |
Within Limits | "One afternoon in early spring" | cleaning, decay | Anglo-American Studies 3.2 (1983) 253. |