Scholarly Writing on James Hearst
This resource is designed to provide scholars with a concise, easy-to-access, annotated list of critical writings on James Hearst and his creative work. Organizationally, citations have been separated into five sections.
- “Scholarship on James Hearst” details writings in which Hearst is the primary focus or his work and/or life is a significant part of the text.
- “Interviews with James Hearst” accounts for both published and unpublished interviews with Hearst.
- “Unpublished Research on James Hearst” annotates student writing on Hearst that is collected in the Hearst Family Papers.
- “Brief Mentions of James Hearst in Publications” notes published works in which Hearst garners a passing reference.
- “Reviews of James Hearst’s Poetry” cites published reviews of Hearst’s book collections.
If you know of additional items that should be added to this list, please let Jim O’Loughlin know, as this resource is an evolving document.

--- Hannah Lane (December 2017), Jim O’Loughlin (January 2018), Muhammad Intizom (February 2019), Alyssa Minch (February 2020), Alexus Williams (October 2021), Anna Albrecht (September 2023)