Colorado Quarterly

Title First Line Theme(s) Original Citation
Plea for Single Focus "You saw double today when you said you saw the wind" nature, farming

Colorado Quarterly 14 (Summer 1965) 24.

Shortcut "A shortcut, so we said, a different road," countryside, lost Colorado Quarterly 14 (Summer 1965) 25.
The Storm "A storm struck down the old willow" weather, imagination

Colorado Quarterly 14 (Summer 1965) 26.

Born Each Morning "What a shocking way to enter the world," morning, birth

Colorado Quarterly 26 (Summer 1977) 9.

A Hawk Is Not a Rabbit "He got the message!" independence, aging Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 23.
A Way by Water "In the basement this morning" water, animals Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 22.
At Least Once a Problem Solved "Sometimes I feel like a shadow" birth, accomplishment Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 21.
Learning "Sometimes you must break in" neighbors, farming Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 20.
Relief from Pressure "The forecast said rain," weather, work Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 19.
They Never Came "Our town prepared for invasion" paranoia, community Colorado Quarterly 27 (Autumn 1978) 24.