Poetry Now
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
Hardened Arteries | "When the office screwed a few bucks" | selfishness, guilt | Poetry Now 2 (Sept. 1975) 31. |
Too Many Defeats Dull the Spirit | "The worst was" | farming, weather | Poetry Now 2 (Sept. 1975) 17. |
Bluejay | "Into the calm of morning as stone breaks" | birds, hunting | Poetry Now 3 (Summer 1976) 24. |
Born Again | "He woke up when she died," | loss, death | Poetry Now 3 (1976) 22. |
Instead of Honey | "Let's get to work, time may be short with us," | labor, religion | Poetry Now 3 (1976) 22. |
Muskrats in the Cornfield | "Persuasion of rain and sun" | farming, animals | Poetry Now 3 (June 1976) 22. |
No News is Good News | "Having read the same names in the paper" | community, significance | Poetry Now (1976) 69. |
The Snapshot | "There we four sit, quick perched as sparrows on a wire," | memory, holiday | Poetry Now 3 (1976) 71. |
Two Men | "The stiff man scrubs his hands," | duality, conformity | Poetry Now (Jan. 1976) 24. |
Off Limits | "He burned the grass" | fire, control | Poetry Now 4 (Summer 1979) 11. |