Poetry Now

Title First Line Theme(s) Original Citation
Hardened Arteries "When the office screwed a few bucks" selfishness, guilt

Poetry Now 2 (Sept. 1975) 31.

Too Many Defeats Dull the Spirit "The worst was" farming, weather

Poetry Now 2 (Sept. 1975) 17.

Bluejay "Into the calm of morning as stone breaks" birds, hunting

Poetry Now 3 (Summer 1976) 24.

Born Again "He woke up when she died," loss, death Poetry Now 3 (1976) 22.
Instead of Honey "Let's get to work, time may be short with us," labor, religion

Poetry Now 3 (1976) 22.

Muskrats in the Cornfield "Persuasion of rain and sun" farming, animals

Poetry Now 3 (June 1976) 22.

No News is Good News "Having read the same names in the paper" community, significance Poetry Now (1976) 69.
The Snapshot "There we four sit, quick perched as sparrows on a wire," memory, holiday Poetry Now 3 (1976) 71.
Two Men "The stiff man scrubs his hands," duality, conformity Poetry Now (Jan. 1976) 24.
Off Limits "He burned the grass" fire, control Poetry Now 4 (Summer 1979) 11.