Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
The Fence Row | "A ripple of ground still show the line where" | division memory |
The Return | "Shot from cannon-barrelled wind the sleet" | memory technology |
The Bird | "One day in the bleak month of March" | birds memory |
Birthplace | "This is the heart of the farm where I was born," | memory home |
Landmark | "The road wound back among the hills of mind" | memory impermanence |
A Way to Measure | "How stupid to try to measure" | time memory |
Games Are Never Free | "The city park still draws children" | children memory |
Warm-Eyed Memory | "While I wait for my next student" | birds memory |
Discarded | "I tried to open a drawer in" | love memory |
Frustrations | "Thoughts run like mice" | memory animals |