Too Many Defeats Dull the Spirit
Too Many Defeats Dull the Spirit
The worst was
too damn much rain,
the corn opening its first leaf,
the beans just breaking through—
you know a beanstalk
arches its back to open
the crust of ground and pulls
the leaves through after it.
Rain washed the earth down
like a silt glacier and
covered everything, smothered it,
killed it.
I had only a couple of low corners
but Henry Jensen lost all his bottom land.
He replanted twice, too late for corn
and still the beans could hardly
break through. It gave Henry
a kind of emotional seizure and
he stayed inside his house for a week.
His wife said he spent all his time
sitting in the bedroom under an umbrella,
but you have to allow for a woman
planting some ornamental borders
around the plain truth.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Poetry Now 2 (Sept. 1975) 17.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
Notes and Commentary
Protagonist named Henry Jensen.