Prairie Schooner
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
The Old Admonitions | "The friend that I had" | loneliness, loss | Prairie Schooner 32 (Spring 1958) 38. |
Farmhand | "A mule with fork and shovel breeds no honey" | work, resentment | Prairie Schooner (Spring 1960) 54. |
Day's Facts | "There came a morning when" | technology, breakdown | Prairie Schooner 44 (Spring 1970) 43. |
Resort to Calm | "No protest, just the door's soft sigh," | relaxation, neighbors | Prairie Schooner 44 (Spring 1970) 42. |
What Wind | "crept in to slam the door" | anger, relationships | Prairie Schooner 44 (Spring 1970) 43. |
The Problem | "The problem is to see the problem" | perceptions, appearance | Prairie Schooner 48.3 (Fall 1974) 258. |