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Poetry Listings

Displaying 101 - 125 of 675
Title First Line Original Publication Date Themes Republication Hearst Collections
101 Common Ground Two neighbors lived across a road Kansas City Magazine 1965 neighbors, farming A Single Focus 28.
102 Con Man The gifts I buy and offer you, my dear, Wormwood Review 1972 love, expectations
103 Conservative The wilderness sleeps in seed and furrow Today 1966 farming, wilderness A Single Focus 67, Landmark and Other Poems 49.
104 Consider a Poem If I speak to explain myself Stone Country 1980 poetry, communication
105 Construction The hammer voices went on an on Man and His Field 1951 labor, winter Man and His Field 62.
106 The Contract You may have my garden if you will give to me Midland 1926 gardening, apples Country Men (1937) xxxiii, (1938) 55.
107 Country Men The pussy willows show again Midland 1931 farming, spring Des Moines Register (May 1931) Sec. 10: 5, American Prefaces. (1937) 164, Hinterland (1937) 26, Out of the Midwest. (1944) 301, Rural Lutheran (March 1950), North American Review (1974) 23. Country Men (1937) i, (1938) 32, (1943) 40, Man and His Field 22, Snake in the Strawberries 14.
108 Of Course It Matters My neighbor stopped by this morning The Complete Poetry of James Hearst 2001 misfortune, money
109 Cows Bawl on Sunday The Image of God American Prefaces 1936 devotion, religion North American Review (1974) 23. Country Men (1937) xii, (1938) 32, (1943) 40, Man and His Field 22, Snake in the Strawberries 14.
110 The Cricket If the sparrows would stop Educational Leadership 1959 noise, happiness
111 Crop Inspector The farmer opened the gate, Poetry Now 1984 farming, perseverance
112 Cross Purposes The farmer sun Discourse: A Review of Liberal Arts 1961 weather, superstition Limited View 36, Landmark and Other Poems 40.
113 Crow's Impatience After the hay was made and the threshing done, Man and His Field 1951 death, birds Man and His Field 37, Landmark and Other Poems 48.
114 Cry Shame Stones outlast weather, America 1969 war, farming Voyages to the Inland Sea, II 42. Snake in the Strawberries 55.
115 The Cure The bush at the corner of the house Sandlapper 1977 homesickness, flowers
116 A Curious Critter Man is both good and kind Aspen Times 1972 people, morality
117 The Dainty Lily Bell She’s liberated, you know, Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst 2017 sex, gender Planting Red Geraniums 24
118 Dark Flower Oh, no, do not look too long Country Men 1938 flowers, morning Country Men (1938) 52.
119 Day After Day The baby cries in its crib Virginia Quarterly Review 1975 insecurity, despair Shaken by Leaf-Fall 18, Snake in the Strawberries 75.
120 Day of the Cornfield The day of the cornfield all right, The Small Farm 1976 farming, observation Snake in the Strawberries 59.
121 The Day of the Hawk I went to the city Aspen Times 1970 loneliness, nature
122 Day with a Bad Taste The street gasps with the exhaust Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst 2017 cities, loneliness Planting Red Geraniums 25
123 Daydream Warmed to drowsiness by the Mainstreeter 1977 fall, memory
124 Day's Facts There came a morning when Prairie Schooner 1970 technology, breakdown Shaken by Leaf-Fall 37.
125 Day's Routine A day of simple duties Today 1966 work, marriage Landmark and Other Poems 22.
