Title First Line Original Citation
Birthplace "This is the heart of the farm where I was born,"

Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 42.

Change toward Certainty "The afternoon closed it until it seemed"

Limited View. Iowa City: The Prairie Press. 1962. 20.

His Daily Pack "Come here and let me tell you about this man"

Limited View. Muscatine, IA: The Prairie Press. 15.

Landmark "The road wound back among the hills of mind"

Poetry 100 (Sept. 1962) 367.

Limited View "The clutter and ruck of the stubble publish the time"

Poetry 100 (Sept. 1962) 368.

Mexico (San Miguel de Allende) "Fresh from the slow hills of Iowa"

Ladies Home Journal (May 1962) 32.

Need for Grass "Yes, there it was,"

Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 23.

Need of Solid Ground "He hadn't offended God nor failed His Word"

Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 18.

Spring Lament "The season has sounded its call to the farm's sleepy ears,"

Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 17.

The Red Flower "The day sagged under heavy wind"

Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 26.