All of James Hearst's poetry works are included in this list.
Title | First Line | Original Citation |
Birthplace | "This is the heart of the farm where I was born," | Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 42. |
Change toward Certainty | "The afternoon closed it until it seemed" | Limited View. Iowa City: The Prairie Press. 1962. 20. |
His Daily Pack | "Come here and let me tell you about this man" | Limited View. Muscatine, IA: The Prairie Press. 15. |
Landmark | "The road wound back among the hills of mind" | Poetry 100 (Sept. 1962) 367. |
Limited View | "The clutter and ruck of the stubble publish the time" | Poetry 100 (Sept. 1962) 368. |
Mexico (San Miguel de Allende) | "Fresh from the slow hills of Iowa" | Ladies Home Journal (May 1962) 32. |
Need for Grass | "Yes, there it was," | Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 23. |
Need of Solid Ground | "He hadn't offended God nor failed His Word" | Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 18. |
Spring Lament | "The season has sounded its call to the farm's sleepy ears," | Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 17. |
The Red Flower | "The day sagged under heavy wind" | Limited View. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1962. 26. |