Title First Line Original Citation
Grandfather's Farm "The worn scythe hangs in the box-elder tree,"

The Saturday Evening Post (29 Aug. 1959) 43.

Moment Toward Spring "This is the day when on the hills of noon"

Ladies Home Journal (March 1959) 28.

The Barn "It was like a house but larger and not so tame," Instructor 68 (Feb 1959) 66.
The Cricket "If the sparrows would stop" Educational Leadership 17 (Oct. 1959) 15.
The Reminder "When the day finally ended I felt wet and cold" Educational Leadership 17 (Oct. 1959) 141.
The Shadow "I have seen the butcher's shadow"

Chicago Jewish Forum 18 (Winter 1959-60) 142.

The Unprotected "The sun at noon"

America (26 Sept. 1959) 768.

Time of Contrition "Today I saw the gossip pack" Denver Post (11 Oct. 1959).
Time to Act "At last the revelation, a brisk wind peels" Kansas City Magazine (1959) 51.
Farmhand "A mule with fork and shovel breeds no honey"

Prairie Schooner (Spring 1960) 54.