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Poetry Listings

Displaying 326 - 350 of 675
Titlesort ascending First Line Original Publication Date Themes Republication Hearst Collections
326 Part Of An Eternal Dialogue What do I hear on my window rapping Contemporary Verse 1925 life, aging Country Men (1937) xxxi, (1938) 53, (1943) 60.
327 Ownership Old neighbors of my people Discourse: A Review of Liberal Arts 1964 farming, mortality Harper's Bazaar (December 1968) 180. A Single Focus 73, Landmark and Other Poems 43.
328 Owner The morning sun surveys the time for me, Sparrow Magazine 1961 farming, ownership
329 Outsider The field stretches from morning America 1979 plowing, nature
330 Outlived by Time The empty hearse skimmed away Dry Leaves 1975 death, funeral Dry Leaves, Snake in the Strawberries 62.
331 Out of Season Half of the elms along the street looked dead, Pebble: A Magazine of Poetry 1971 decay, wistfulness Snake in the Strawberries 53.
332 Out of Bounds Black asphalt abides between unbroken curbs of cement, Wormwood Review 1966 cities, gardening
333 Our Country The lady in the harbor View Magazine 1978 promise, disillusionment
334 Order in the Grove The small grove has been let go, South Dakota Review 1971 order, animals
335 Only Flowers Seem Not to Die On our May Day anniversary Poetry Now 1982 flowers, loss
336 One Way For An Answer No way, just no way, Proved by Trial 1977 mountains, revelation Proved by Trial 21, Landmark and Other Poems 28.
337 One Thing Leads to Another A flock of geese and a basket A Country Man 1993 birds, shame A Country Man 14.
338 One Is Never Sure The decision faced me with questions A Country Man 1993 misinterpretation, argument A Country Man 33.
339 Once Glimpsed Once I thought I saw it Poem 1969 longing, uncertainty Shaken by Leaf-Fall 44.
340 On Vacation Your five days of driving The Complete Poetry of James Hearst 2001 vacation, alienation
341 On Relief Our glances met as glances meet Common Sense 1939 Depression, poverty The Sun at Noon 32, Landmark and Other Poems 8.
342 On Guard The sun protects my back Tinderbox 1978 morning, fear
343 Off Limits He burned the grass Poetry Now 1979 fire, control
344 Of Course It Matters My neighbor stopped by this morning The Complete Poetry of James Hearst 2001 misfortune, money
345 Now I Hear This Your Honor, she cried, I need help. 1982
346 Now I Have Taken to the Fields Now I have taken to the fields Country Men 1937 hope, land Country Men (1937) xix, (1938) 40, (1943) 47, Man and His Field 54, Landmark and Other Poems 22.
347 Now Hear This Your Honor, she cried, I need help. Poetry Now 1982 religion, marriage
348 November The sun dripped honey-colored days Ladies Home Journal 1965 fall, harvest A Single Focus 71, Landmark and Other Poems 32.
349 Not to Give In "I wouldn't take a horse A Country Man 1993 father, defiance A Country Man 48.
350 Not to Be Overlooked We had a bull calf born premature, Snake in the Strawberries 1979 surprise, validation Snake in the Strawberries 7.
