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Poetry Listings

Displaying 451 - 475 of 675
Title First Line Original Publication Date Themes Republication Hearst Collections
451 Revival The anxious hours numb me Reporter 1967 fall, mortality Shaken by Leaf-Fall 56, Snake in the Strawberries 76.
452 The Road It opened the way Mainstreeter 1977 time, change
453 Robin In The Straw A robin scratches right and left Midland 1932 reflection, birds Country Men (1937) xxvii, (1938) 49, (1943) 56.
454 Routine The boy drowning under waves Aspen Times 1972 routine, frustration Snake in the Strawberries 10.
455 Routine Keeps Me I make water in the morning KPFA Folio 1970 respect, responsibility Snake in the Strawberries 51.
456 Ruffle the Pages An oak tree spread shade, A Country Man 1993 death, family A Country Man 52.
457 Sad, the Way It Is Stay, stay, pussy willow pussies, Green Magazine 1975 time, impermanence
458 Sadness Weeps In my day hate clouds skies America 1968 suffering, hypocrisy
459 The Sage and the Stones His Neighbors farmed 1962
460 The Same in This As Other Lands He bows his head against the wind Poetry 1940 farming, work The Sun at Noon 31, Man and His Field 23, Landmark and Other Poems 58.
461 Same Thing but Different The paperboy slammed the screen door Great Lakes Review 1977 community, routine Snake in the Strawberries 81.
462 Sap's Rise The creek retreats from flood rage see "The Face of Things" 1970 spring, renewal Landmark and Other Poems 27.
463 Saturday Morning This morning wrapped in my indolence The Smith 1968 birds, guilt
464 Sauce for the Gander The last person to bed starts the Cedar Arts Forum 1978 marriage, night
465 Scatter the Petals She sleeps as if the mouth of buds, American Friend 1958 death, mourning Scatter the Petals (1969). Limited View 25, Snake in the Strawberries 34.
466 The Search Here on the hillside is a square of ground Wallace's Farmer 1940 farming, neighbors A Single Focus 37, Landmark and Other Poems 46.
467 Second Look Lord, let me be patient without rancor Eventorium Muse 1965 decay, perseverance
468 A Secret to Live By In the attic of my mind Snake in the Strawberries 1979 memory, revelation Snake in the Strawberries 10.
469 See How the Wind See how the wind repeats itself America 1960 winter, perseverance Late Harvest 74. Limited View 9.
470 Seeding The morning sun looks in on me Midland 1932 farming, planting Country Men (1937) xxii, (1938) 44 (1943) 51, Man and His Field 45.
471 Self-Portrait The mirror lacks depth, Virginia Quarterly Review 1975 reflection, aging Shaken by Leaf-Fall 53, Snake in the Strawberries 66.
472 Sense of Order On the farm we had no tunnels A Country Man 1993 understanding, purpose A Country Man 53.
473 Seventh Grade The scrubbed question marks English Journal 1971 children, school Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst Planting Red Geraniums 43.
474 Seventy Times Seven Let the rain discover Country Men 1937 forgiveness, loneliness
475 A Shabby Day Out of doors, office-bound, Black and White 1979 cities, community
