A Country Man
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
Where Did They Go? | "Where did they go, the maple grove," | time, memory | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 46. |
Where We Live | "We stole time to walk together" | nature, relationships | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 57. |
While Meadowlarks Sang | "It began with the first eggs" | lessons, work | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 30. |
Who Cares for History? | "They tore down the old Saylor house," | memory, loss | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 15. |
Without Your Good Morning | "Perhaps I miss you more than I should," | death, loss | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 49. |
Year after Year | "By ones, twos and in groups" | routine, childhood | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 16. |