A Country Man
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
Random Thoughts | "Our plan of life together" | death, loss | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 56. |
Ruffle the Pages | "An oak tree spread shade," | death, family | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 52. |
Sense of Order | "On the farm we had no tunnels" | understanding, purpose | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 53. |
Take the Best Offer | "Don't ask me which job to take," | work, choice | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 36. |
The Comfort of a Friend | "We have wandered as we wished" | aging, friendship | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 47. |
The Provincial | "The Frenchman asked," | home, travel | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 54. |
There is a Line Drawn | "A buyer of discards" | farming, distinctions | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 51. |
This Is How They Do It | ""I own this farm," Henry Jensen" | law, understanding | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 24. |
Wealth of News | "A mile of main road and" | childhood, animals | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 45. |
What They Said | "Wait, they said, this is not the time." | decisions, time | A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 13. |