The Sun at Noon

Title First Line Theme(s) Original Citation
Stranger "Following his father's footsteps" retirement, alienation

The Sun at Noon. Muscatine, Iowa: The Prairie Press, 1943. 26.

The Neighborhood "The neighborhood has a mind and heart of its own" secrecy, community

The Sun at Noon. Muscatine, Iowa: The Prairie Press, 1943. 24.

The Old Dog "The old dog waits patiently for death" death

The Sun at Noon 17.

The Other Land "The strength and persuasion of the long slow turning" seasons, divinity

The Sun at Noon. Muscatine, Iowa: The Prairie Press, 1943. 22.

The Vine "His wife and young son in his heart, the future riding his shoulders" farming, nature

The Sun at Noon 14.

Time Like a Hand "The hardware merchant reaches back for the past" aging, alienation

The Sun at Noon. Muscatine, Iowa: The Prairie Press, 1943. 23.