Man and His Field
Title | First Line | Theme(s) | Original Citation |
The Return | "Shot from cannon-barrelled wind the sleet" | memory, technology | Man and His Field. Denver: Alan Swallow. 1951. 32. |
The Thief | "The fists of the summer sun" | weather, seasons | Man and His Field. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1951. 52. |
Threat of Weather | "We know we can outlast the weather" | love, weather | Man and His Field. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1951. 57. |
Three Old Horses | "Returning to the gate at close of day" | wisdom, animals | Man and His Field. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1951. 24. |
What Was That? | "Never was so much hubbub in the morning," | work, farming | Man and His Field. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1951. 41. |