Title | First Line | Theme(s) |
Quarrel | "In the angry silence" | marriage anger |
Day's Routine | "A day of simple duties" | work marriage |
The Molehill | "The molehill became a mountain" | argument marriage |
Hard Words | "Hard words married to" | argument marriage |
A Prejudiced Witness | "This morning my wife and I" | birds marriage |
Sauce for the Gander | "The last person to bed starts the" | marriage night |
A Few Good Licks | "So you said I would be the" | marriage aging |
Not Really a Quarrel | "Granted we slept well and" | argument marriage |
Now Hear This | "Your Honor, she cried, I need help." | religion marriage |
Wither Away, Friend | "An ill-matched pair" | marriage argument |