The Molehill
The Molehill
The molehill became a mountain
before we could stop it and
here we are with all this landscape
on our hands and no map to guide us.
We can pretend to go some other way
but to test our hearts we must
climb it and no matter where we turn
there it is waiting to see what
we will do.
The lower slopes are alive with flowers
but what about that stone frown on the
precipice? Well, it’s ours so let’s buy
some rope and spiked shoes and see
how far we get. Not being mountain
bred we may not hold out all the way,
we can stop when our strength stops,
and build a house and save the top
for another day, or lease it for
its clear view to other couples.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Journal of Arts and Letters 2 (Winter 1967) 60.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Complete Poems
Notes and Commentary