
The morning sun looks in on me
And gets me up and out to plow.
He does not know I grieve to see
The days come in so often now.

As though I did not lend an ear,
As though my eyes were half awake,
A sound haunts me I would not hear
And follows every step I make.

Have you the seed? Then sow it now.
Have you a plow? Come, here’s the ground.
This is my answer to the low
Roar that time makes over sound.

And though I keep within my blood
The pulse of season and of field
There comes a time when field and wood
Must do without the flowers they yield.

And to oppose the coming dark
That steals upon us one by one—
I stand and hold my tiny arc
Against a circle of the sun.

    Original Citation

    Midland (March-April 1932) 52.

    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Complete Poems
    First Line
    The morning sun looks in on me
    Poetic Form
    Twitter Quote
    Have you the seed? Then sow it now. / Have you a plow? Come, here’s the ground.