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Home » Poetry » Undertow


Text of Poem

The bay of morning shines through
night’s thicket, no windpuffs ruffle
the surface, I swim a straight course
from breakfast table to desk and
survey the solitary beach where I work.
The storm dwindles in my mind to a
passing cloud, all about me lie the
signs of calm, the fresh odor of a
new day rises like a breeze through
pines, the instruments read steady,
direction north, temperature mild.
I settle myself for the day among
the cargo of my thoughts, stamping them
to ship out, when like a shell half
buried in the sand, I find the
handkerchief crumpled by your hands
behind my bookshelf. A sigh sends up
a wave so huge the undertow sucks me
from my mooring and floats me out to sea.

First Line
The bay of morning shines through
Original Pub Location
Original Publication Date
Original Citation
Seven 3 (Fall 1965) 14.
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Poetic Form
Twitter Quote
I swim a straight course / from breakfast table to desk and / survey the solitary beach where I work