The Way the Light Shines
The Way the Light Shines
The shrill singing of cicada
reminds me that last spring
I found the shell of a cicada
perfect in detail but without
the living body. Tonight we four
friends, old in affection, sit
around a candlelit table
and smile and joke as the soft
light dims our features. When
the shrill doorbell announced
the paperboy collecting his pay,
someone snapped on the light
and I saw as shadows vanished
how the greedy years had sucked
the honey of youth from us.
But I noted how the outlines
of our faces kept familiar the
portrait of the person we remembered.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Poetry Now 5.3 Issue 27 (1980) 6.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Complete Poems
Themes and Motifs
Notes and Commentary