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Better a Bonfire

Text of Poem

Hitch up the mule,
I said to myself,
and haul this stuff
to the garbage dump,
all these boxes, bundles
of remembered deceit, anger,
violence, enough scandal
here to blow the neighborhood
wide open. I wonder why
I hoarded these items?
A lie here, a cheat there,
a battered wife, abused child,
whiskey bottles by the case,
a boy who stole a car,
a girl who needs a husband,
all decayed fruit from
the neighborhood tree.
Let me come with clean hands,
come on you jackass, lean into it,
for god’s sake take it away

First Line
Hitch up the mule,
Original Pub Location
Original Publication Date
Original Citation
A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 29.
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