A Winter Review
A Winter Review
The farm wraps itself for winter
and drowses off, a two-faced wind
shouts in the treetops and snoops
under barn doors. Snow leaps and
heaps over fences, a pheasant stalks
the cornfields, a crow coughs from a
bare branch. Around the house plastic
curtains shroud windows, straw
guards the foundation, cattle and hogs
line feed troughs, sparrows scramble
for spilled grain. Even the farmer
moves in a trance along paths of
accustomed chores. The farm draws in
to its center, leaves roots to bear
their burden of faith, waits in the
serenity of cold for the sun to rise
from its lowest arch and level
the drifts to water.
Publication Details
Original Citation
The Wormwood Review 12 (Oct. 1972) 43.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
Notes and Commentary