The Wall
The Wall
A door builds a strange wall
with two sides,
one to let you out,
one to let you in.
A 4' 8" piece of wood
separates two worlds
we explore at our own risk.
Sometimes the worlds mingle
in summer when the door swings wide,
maybe a good thing, maybe not,
I do not want street’s traffic
in my living room nor
the privacy of my bathroom
exposed on the front lawn.
The threat of the outside
to invade the inside
keeps me awake
when I should be sleeping,
but a rasp-voiced key
sounds an ALL'S WELL
to protect my sanctuary
Publication Details
Original Citation
Kansas Quarterly 8.3/4 (Summer-Autumn 1976) 102.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
Themes and Motifs
Notes and Commentary
Original publication listed in IAPV 1976 not in Ward. Complete incorrectly groups in 1977.