Stepchild of Nature

Open morning’s door and listen
to a medley of sounds . . .
wind caught in a bush,
grass bent to whisper,
earthworms in their tunnels
(a sharper ear than mine for that!),
birds everywhere from the robin
in the cherry tree to the cardinal
whipping his call from the top
of a maple. To all this chorus of
the day’s voices, add the gnats’
high singing, even the green shine
of leaves seems to change color to sound.
And I sit on the back steps
inarticulate; I lack the tune,
the family ties, the pitch
to join this summer’s discourse.

    Original Citation
    NRTA Journal 31.156 (July-Aug. 1980) 6.
    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Complete Poems
    First Line
    Open morning's door and listen
    Poetic Form
    Twitter Quote
    from the robin / in the cherry tree to the cardinal / whipping his call from the top / of a maple