Games Are Never Free

The city park still draws children
to its shabby ambush, leaves and
papers soak in the bird-stained
fountain, grass dies along swing
runaways, trees scratch at clouds,
cries scalp Indian-hearted boys,
girls swing at the sky, small fry
clot the slide and scream their wonder.

          Lord, what a sight!
How many games ago I raced through
the forest until a father’s voice
harried me home. Stern-faced houses
still surround the park, still frown
at my search through leaf-fall for
the path to my wilderness, remind me
games are never free, scold a
running boy who has forgiven me
many broken promises.

    Original Citation

    Iowa Arts Council Newsletter 1 (June 1968) 1.

    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Book Appearance
    Complete Poems
    Iowa State Arts Council Biennium Report, 1968-1970, 3.
    First Line
    The city park still draws children
    Poetic Form