You said, take a few dry
sticks, cut the ends slantwise
to let in water, stick them
in the old silver cup on the
dresser in the spare room and
wait for the touch of Easter.
But a cold wave protected the
snow, and the sap’s pulse beat
so low underground I felt no
answer in myself except silence.
You said, winter breaks out in
flowers for the faithful and
today when I opened the door
the dry sticks spoke in little
yellow stars and I thought
of you.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Poetry 106 (Sept. 1965) 406.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
North American Review (1974) 31, The Iowan (Spring 1979) 20.
Notes and Commentary
In _A Tribute to James Hearst_ (22 November 1981), this poem is listed as Meryl Norton Hearst's favorite poem.