Waiting is not patience
it is a fisherman whose hook
caught in a sunken log
won’t let go. He jerks the pole
this way and that while his shadow
jumps up and down the bank.
He gives his pole a yank but
the line does not break so he
climbs down the bank and gropes
for the log. His left wader fills
with water so he climbs back
with his heavy left leg and sits down
to empty out the water and stares
at his problem and pounds the bank
and talks excitedly to nobody there.
So when you wait for her to come
and an hour goes by and more
and you compose excited messages
for the telephone and curse
the empty door, remember the hook
in the sunken log.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Dry Leaves. Holly Springs, MS: Ragnarok Press. 1975.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
Themes and Motifs
Notes and Commentary
No page numbers in Dry Leaves?