
Little rowdy yellow duck, darting from your mother,
Scooting after water bugs, scorning warmth and shelter,
Wading in the mudbank, winking at the sun
With your shorty rumpled rump, running helter-skelter.

Little roly poly duck, sturdy for adventure,
Hiding in the tangled grass, diving in the middle
Of muddy weedy water dips, wavering for balance,
And flip-flop, somersault, tumble in puddle.

Little weary ragged duck, frightened of the shadows,
Streak and dimple in and out, stagger home to rest.
Oh, you droopy fuzzy head, snuggled in your pillow
Underneath your mother’s wing, safe against her breast.

    Original Citation
    Music For Seven Poems (1958).
    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Complete Poems
    First Line
    Little rowdy yellow duck, darting from your mother,
    Poetic Form
    Bibliographic Notes

    Poem #5 in the Music for Seven Poems sequence.

    Twitter Quote
    Little roly poly duck, sturdy for adventure, / Hiding in the tangled grass