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Home » Poetry » Stolid Farmer to His Son

Stolid Farmer to His Son

Text of Poem

Choose your wife for straight legs and an honest tongue.
Take to market no more than you have to sell.
Be cautious with strangers and cover the top of your well
And teach your children virtue while they are young.
And when you are old be glad if you’ve learned to keep
Your wife’s affection and memories of neighbors and friends
And had the sense to know that your comfort depends
On the money you saved and the grief you have put to sleep.

First Line
Choose your wife for straight legs and an honest tongue.
Original Pub Location
Original Publication Date
Original Citation
The Sun at Noon. Muscatine, Iowa: The Prairie Press, 1943. 33.
Complete Poems
Word Count

Published as "Farmer to His Son" in Man and His Field & Snake in the Strawberries. "Stolid Farmer to His Son" elsewhere and in Complete.

Poetic Form
Twitter Quote
Take to market no more than you have to sell.