Shake in Vain
Shake in Vain
Shake in vain the orchard trees
Hollow hearted, dry and old,
Fruit your inward hands would seize
Fell when love first smelled the cold.
Seen from here against the sky
One curled leaf is all that stirs
High on branches bare and dry:
No one knows why this occurs.
Once the fruit was yours to take
Now you steal back like a thief,
If your faith’s in shaking, shake—
Till your hunger turns to grief.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst. Final Thursday Press, 2017. 17.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems

Permission to reproduce work from the James Hearst Papers has been granted by the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries.
Notes and Commentary