The Return Flight

Evening spreads fingers of shadow
down empty corn rows as I stand
and scan the sky, five wild geese
plow the air in furrows of light.
I stare and drift slowly backwards 
from their moving sky, they have not changed
these trumpeters whose spring salute
aroused us from sleep though now
the blood excuses what the mind recalls.
Toward the arrow’s notch they burn
in autumn’s fire, the steady beat
of wings stirs me to wonder what dark desire
once turned me from my anchored roofs.

    Original Citation

    New York Herald Tribune (Jan 1964).

    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Book Appearance
    Complete Poems
    First Line
    Evening spread fingers of shadow
    Poetic Form
    Bibliographic Notes

    No page # for original publication in Ward.

    Twitter Quote
    Toward the arrow’s notch they burn / in autumn’s fire