Modern Design
Modern Design
How can you clean up the place
and have any kind of order if you
let all this stuff grow the way
it wants to? That rambler rose
by the kitchen window, dig it out.
Saw down that maple so we can make
the gate wider, and that ivy on a
trellis and the honeysuckle hedge,
grub ’em out and pile them for burning.
Spread some crushed rock in the
dooryard, we don’t need all that grass.
make the place slick and neat like
a new car, give it style. Oh, look,
there’s the playhouse the kids built,
it looks crummy, tear it down too.
Publication Details
Original Citation
Slow Loris Reader 1 (1978) 69.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Complete Poems

Permission to reproduce work from the James Hearst Papers has been granted by the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries.
Notes and Commentary