Flowers Would Be Better
Flowers Would Be Better
My wife calls me to see her garden.
Forty blooms of iris in purple, white,
gold, lavender, the falls one color,
the standards another, such delicacy
of structure, such perfume, such magnificence
of color and bloom. It eases my mind
that a woman at work on her knees
in earth with patience and rain and sun
can will up such an extraordinary vision,
as if our stay here could be celebrated
with flowers, not by young men,
asleep forever because swords rattle
in the hands of old men.
Publication Details
Original Citation
A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 34.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Complete Poems
North American Review 299.2 (Spring 2014) 28.
Notes and Commentary