Dragon Lesson
This country needs live dragons,
real fire-breathing, tail-swishing,
scaly, gold-guarding, maiden-snatching,
nasty-tempered beasts. The real McCoy,
that would terrorize the countryside,
eat a few defiant people, burn down
churches that don’t believe in dragons,
not fake scenes on a stupid TV screen.
Think how we would huddle together,
crying out for another St. George, and
longing for peace. Think of us longing for,
pleading for, praying for peace, just
imagine it. And think of the lesson our
brave young men would learn, that if they
win the gold they have to keep the girl.
Publication Details
Snake in the Strawberries. Ames: Iowa State University Press. 1979. 100.

Permission to reproduce work from the James Hearst Papers has been granted by the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries.
Notes and Commentary