Surprise [1]
Surprise [1]
You seemed brave but lost in the ambush of clover,
The clover-thick valley spread out to the south
Of the wide-summer meadow, forlorn in the sunlight
Big-eyed and solemn with a sob in your mouth.
Perhaps you’d been sick with the fever of dreaming
And awakened alone? You pretended to be
When I called, an innocent, terrified youngster
Who had smelled of the flower and been stung by the bee.
Well, I came and I found you and pleased myself when you
Seemed touched by my word that the truth was what stung
Wherever you found it— then I felt the dagger!
You were old as deceit and I’d thought you were young.
Publication Details
Original Citation
The Humanist 17 (July-Aug. 1957) 218.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Book Appearance
Complete Poems
Different poem with same name published in 1977.
Notes and Commentary
Ward conflates two different poems with the same name. Corrected in Complete.