Sense of Order
Sense of Order
On the farm we had no tunnels
but some days we went wrapped
in our own darkness. So I don’t
know about light at the end
but I do know that a time comes
when you are transfixed by a special
moment, by a glimpse of your own
promise that tells you who you are.
It is a time that passes understanding.
It may come to you as you lie
out on the lawn after a hard day’s work,
or at the end of summer as you listen
to the long corn rows stand
at attention with their full heavy ears,
or as you pass through the grove
enchanted by the towers of leaves.
You know the spirit within you
bears a kinship to all you have seen
and touched and labored for, and you feel
an enormous order of things assigned you
the part you must play.
Publication Details
Original Citation
A Country Man. Cumberland, IA: Pterodactyl Press. 1993. 53.
Word Count
Original Publication
Date Published
Complete Poems
Themes and Motifs
Notes and Commentary