Love's Ways

Almost as if you hungered to be free
of clothes you strip your pulsing body bare,
under your feet or pulled off overhead
you shed a husk of garments till you wear
corollas of velvet flesh and with your lips,
as warm as your avowals, pressed on mine
the cradle of my arms rocks you to bed.

Later you stretch and yawn and take a shower
hidden from sight behind the fuzzy glass,
shut in a cell where water clothes your skin,
you wrap a towel around you when you pass
across my sight to find the dress you want,
then distant as a nun in her retreat
construct a private mood I can’t come in.

    Original Citation

    A Single Focus. Iowa City: Prairie Press. 1967. 57.

    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Book Appearance
    Complete Poems
    Scatter the Petals (1969).
    First Line
    Almost as if you hungered to be free
    Poetic Form
    Bibliographic Notes

    Page # in Scatter (is that a book?). Not in Ward.