The Great Coincidence

How strange that in the human flow,
And think of the people we have met,
That out of the many ways to go,
And think of those untraveled yet,
We should, enclosed in time and place
Like two in a dream, come face to face.

I marvel every day that we
With our own hearts escaped the fate
Of those who pass and do not see.
We stopped before it was too late
And tried the distance we could reach
Across the unknown each to each.

It is a wonder that we came
So close that we could learn together
The odds and pleasures of the game
We daily play with time and weather,
That we two joined in one defense
I call the great coincidence.

    Original Citation
    Man and His Field. Denver: Allan Swallow. 1951. 53.
    Word Count
    Original Publication
    Date Published
    Complete Poems
    Heartland: Poets of the Midwest 80.
    First Line
    How strange that in the human flow,
    Poetic Form
    Twitter Quote
    I marvel every day that we / With our own hearts escaped the fate / Of those who pass and do not see.